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UK wedding rings superstitions

January 25, 2013

In the UK wedding rings come with as many superstitions as the wedding ceremony. Some say that if you drop your wedding ring during the wedding service then the result will be years of wedded misery – worse than that the person who drops it will be the first to drop dead.  As charming as that superstition may be, many brides to be actually believe it to be true.   The same goes for an old tale that claims wedding rings had magical powers and that the third finger on the left hand was believed to be connect straight to the heart. Therefore wearing wedding rings on that finger would protect the heart of the person wearing it.

It was believed that if you tied your wedding ring on to a piece of string and dangled it over a pregnant woman’s stomach then you would be able to predict if the baby was a girl or a boy.   If the ring swung in a circle then the baby was a girl, but if the wedding ring swung back and forth then the baby was a boy.  It has never been reported anywhere whether this method of sexing an unborn child ever actually worked and there was a 1 in 2 chance of being correct anyway but this UK wedding rings superstition remains incredibly popular.

The next myth should be carefully adhered to.  Size does matter!  If you find that your wedding ring is too big for you then it is a sign that others could come between you and your partner and if your ring is too tight then your marriage will be smothering.  Neither option is appealing to newly weds so make sure you get the sizing spot on.

Make sure you don’t buy your UK wedding rings on a Friday as this is very unlucky especially if the Friday happens to be the 13th of the month too.  Actually superstition says that Wednesday is the best day to get married for luck and getting married on a Monday will bring you wealth.  Tuesday is the best day for health and Saturday is supposedly the most unlucky day to get married.  With the majority of couples getting married on a Saturday nowadays that superstition is one that is no longer believed, or that no one has heard of.

Bridal superstitions go on forever.  Only borrow jewellery for your wedding from someone who is in a happy marriage or risk the happiness of your own marriage.  Don’t try on your complete wedding outfit before the ceremony unless you want to tempt fate and if you decide to wear pearls, then remember that they represent a brides tears, whether happy tears or sad will be decided on your big day.

On that note let’s hope that your wedding day goes without a hitch.

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